Mission Mosquito Science Notebook
This guided exploration notebook introduces learners to using scientific notebooks to make observations and ask questions, while also incorporating information and activities that build relevant background knowledge, confidence in independent learning and research, and engagement in science.
This resource is dynamic – the notebook will grow as learners complete more activities, use the GLOBE Observer app and the Mosquito Habitat Mapper tool (MHM), and create their own investigations. A companion guide is also included with suggestions for parents/caregivers to help guide students in better understanding and observing the world around them.
Mission Mosquito Science Notebook: (Color, Black-and-White)
New Investigations
- Mosquito Proboscis- Mechanics of a Bite: (Color, Black-and-White)
- Today’s Mosquito Data Page Header: (Color)
- Conducting a Mosquito Habitat Survey: (Color)
- Mosquito Larvae Hunters: Level 1 (Training – Color, Badge – Color)
- Mosquito Larvae Hunters: Level 2 (Training – Color, Badge – Color, Certificate – Color)
Companion guide for parents/caregivers: in Color, or in Black-and-White